

  1. Inform the health care institution that Direct-Care will take care of your loved on
    • If the death occurred at a hospital, just phone us to inform us at (204) 803-4067
    • If the death occured at a nursing home/care home or residence
      • We charge an additional $150.00 removal fee as it requires two staff and generally becomes a priority removal from any nursing/care home or residence.
      • If the death occurs at home and you have the anticipated home death letter issued by your doctor and palliative care you can or the on-call palliative care nurse will call Direct-Care to accept the care and removal of your loved one.
      • If death occurs at home and an anticipated home death letter is not made available by your doctor through palliative care you must phone 911. When emergency services arrive they with the Medical Investigator will give instruction about removal by Direct-Care or the contracted transfer service through their department.
  2. If you have read the above instructions then phone (204) 803-4067 and inform the on-call answering service so that staff can be dispatched.
  3. The on-call funeral director will advise you to download the PDF fillable vital statistics form to gather information so that the death can be registered with the province and a burial/cremation permit can be issued. You will fill it in and immediately email it to info@directcarecremation.ca
  4. You will also see the following forms that can be reviewed. Once the Vital Stats information is received the funeral director will fill in these applicable forms and send a request through Docusign for you to sign and get back to us.
  5. Payment arrangements are made at this time. We accept most credit cards, cash or debit. Direct-Care cremation requires full payment (also note that we have finance plans available if you qualify – ask your funeral director)


Due to COVID-19 and our responsibility to public health all arrangements will be made at the Inkster location.



(204) 803-4067

24-hour on-call licensed funeral staff


Contact for arrangements:

Monday – Friday, 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.

Arrangement locations are flexible and convenient


Direct-Care Cremation

Serving you from four city locations (please refer to COVID statement)